Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

my 5 year old is starting school but she still has really thin hair, and because of this it looks straggily, does anyone know how to thicken it?

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

maybe you should try either that brand "thicker fuller hair" normally in a green container....or burts bees shampoo and conditioner...my cousin used it and she had the same problem but after one time of using this...she said her hair was noticeably thicker!

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

nothing will permanently. Cut it and layer it I guess

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Get it trimmed regularly and it will thicken up :)

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Kelp tablets can help, but i dont know if young uns can take them, ask at herbal remedy shop.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Believe it or not, cut out shampoo! If you shampoo too often, it removes the natural 'conditioner' and then thins the hair. Just wash his hair with water instead (unless he gets really muddy or dirty) and after three months his hair will find its natural thickness.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

pig manure makes things grow.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

just put it in a cute little style and dont worry too much about it..all kids look cute and should be able to just enjoy their childhood without a second thought to the way they look...my hair was quite thin when i was younger but my mum kept getting me regular trims and as i got older it got a lot thicker:) x

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

nothing can really thicken hair permanently so i suggest asking your hairdresser what kind of cut will increase the volume. as she gets older her hair will probably thicken out anyway

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

She's 5....my best suggestion is to not put such strict standards on such a little girl.....

Kids go through all sorts of stages...as a mom of 2 girls I know... mine are old and grown now and just know that I have yet to see a girl grow up with "no hair' ...unless they have some sort of disease...

The best thing you should do is to read my tips on NUTRITION and how it effects the hair.....

such as:

Must have a minimum of 50 grams of protein per day....

must have breakfast

breakfast is the most important meal for hair....and she must have protein at breakfast...

must have EFA's essential fatty acids every day ( handful of nuts).....

don't let her think her hair matters that much when she is 5 the playground matters....have you read to her today matters...

its just things I have learned from things I have done wrong....

that's all.

Her hair will be fine....and if at 12-13-14 she has a problem that is when I would possibly see about seeing a dermatologist...

make sure you read all my tricks to have a strong healthy head of hair.... and its up to YOU to incorporate them into her life so she learns to do them automatically.....

Like drinking lots of water...

and on and on;


Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

leave it. if she's only 5, then don't worry let it naturally sort itself out. thin hair's better than thick thick hair.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

have it trimmed regularly eventually it will get thicker

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