how does one go bold?
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
What is a thin hair dose? Whatever it is, I hope it does because being bold is a good thing.
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
do you mean 'bald'?
no, thin hair is genetic but it doesn't always necessarily mean you're going bald
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
no, it doesn't. If you want to know anything about hair go to this website, I learned everything there is to know about hair from this site.
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
not really,but maybe u should start to do those preventions
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
Thin hair doesn't make you go bald. If you wannt think hair, use Pantene's thickening products. Or any other of Pantene's products they help hair intensely.
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.?
No. But you might want to do some research on it. Most likely you need to change your diet. What you eat effects hair and nail growth, along with the way your skin looks. Well really, what you eat effects everything. I would start eating a lot of fruits, veggies, brown rice, and fish and see if that makes a difference. Try to stick with all natural food and stay away from fatty foods. Even if it doesn't make a difference with your hair (hopefully it does) then it will certainly make you feel better.
If you have thin hair dose that mean your going bold.? could lead to bald hair too started thining first and now slowly its catching its pace:
taking the right vitamins and supplement in your daily diet would help hair growth, you also need to have head massage for proper blood circulation in the scalp:
Hair Growth Vitamins
Hair Loss Prevention
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