Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

I really want to have flat hair. But i dont know what to do...My hair is usually always poofy. I use a flat iron (that is NOT cheap) to try to keep it flat. But it dont work. It gets poofy later on. I DONT want a chi. My hair has dead ends so im planning on cutting them. And i was thinking if THINNING my hair alot will make it flat????

Im not sure with all theese haircuts. Im a guy. This is how i look with NOTHING on my hair. (ugly)


This is how i want my hair


Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

Sounds like you are going thru it. You would need a good trim to get rid of all split ends. Make sure you have a good relaxer, sounds like you may have humidity problems. Try a sensitive scalp Mizani relaxer or Designer's Touch(inexpensive). A great shampoo to use is Nexxus Sleektress shampoo and Aphogee protien conditioner followed by Nexxus Hydra Sleek conditioner. Rollerset with a small amount of hair gloss anti frizz serum like Chi of John Frieda's serum. Blow-dry and then flat iron this works wonders for me!!! Check out my stylist blog http://healthyhaircaretips.blogspot.com

I am in college and I've learned to do my hair by her rules believe me they work!!

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

wet and wear a hat so it drys flat or put a brick on ur head

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

Actually, you look good as is. The second pic looks like an egg head because the hair is plastered to the scalp. lol

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

Its not poofy...

Kinda flat...

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

Getting it cut will help alot it's hard to style hair with dead ends.

Also get a good strightning balm go to your local salon and ask what is a good product for what you want to do with your hair

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

IDK if a flat iron didn't work i don't know what to tell you.In the picture I didn't see anything wrong with you but if you really want flat hair try; thinning your hair, gel, or even a perm (The kind that makes it straight not curly!)

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

there is flat iron spray that you can buy and it keeps your hair really straight

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

be happy you have volume! im a girl and my hair is always tooo flat! i hate it lol, its always so plain. well i guess thats cuz im a girl and ur a guy.

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

ok.to tell you the trooth you dont want really flat hair.but i know how to help.

there are these products that have helped me alot.

Suddenly Straight-you put it on after you get out of the shower and then blow dry your hair and it is already basicaly straight

-there is a link below that showes you what it looks like

SUPER SKINNY Serum-you put it on after you straighten it and it gets all the poof out.it is by PAUL MITCHELL

-there is also a link to show you what it looks like too

you can get them both at the basic drug store

Hope this helps

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

you should use conditioner, and leave some on after you shower, this will weigh down your hair and make it less puffy

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

first thing first a haircut would help a lot. thinning it could help, but it could also make it have what looks like breakage (little hairs sticking straight out) if its not dried/flat ironed right. i suggest that after you flat iron it use a light pomade (sleek look straight polish is really good, it's by matrix) and that will add a little shine to it too.

hope that helps.

Help with "How to get flat hair...."?

same prob go to Sallys buy Beyond The Zone Turn Up The Heat Protection Spray for the frizz and use the GVP 1" Ceramic Flat Iron: Compare to Farouk CHI Original

(its half the price of a CHI) to straighten hair and works GREAT!!!

How can I get oily Thin hair to make it look scene?

I need a haircut soon so I need some ideas or pictures/details or some things I can do to make it look scene, I guess. THX!

How can I get oily Thin hair to make it look scene?

these are awesome



hope i helped..!

How can I get oily Thin hair to make it look scene?

Uhh, get thinning shears and use a lot of shiner, or something.

Like this "Cowboy Magic Detangler" I have... it makes it REALLY shiny.

How can I get oily Thin hair to make it look scene?

You could use a straightener, and don't shower right after or else it comes undone!

When you shower, run your hair with cold water. This makes your hair shiny!

How can I get oily Thin hair to make it look scene?


you toooooooo!!

same problem here, and it sucks!

i blow dry my hair upside down to make it puffy..

I havehair just above my shoulders angled down from the back of my neck. My hair looks....?

really dull and just ugh right now so i want a hair cut

not really a big change since my hair is already short

but something cute

i have thick hair so i can't get haircuts that'd look good with thin hair

I like bangs and goth/punk cuts. and asymmetrical ones too

so i need some links/ideas


I havehair just above my shoulders angled down from the back of my neck. My hair looks....?

maybe you could try some bangs!! i got sum side swepped bangs that are just above my eyes and i luuuuuuuuuv them

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

my 5 year old is starting school but she still has really thin hair, and because of this it looks straggily, does anyone know how to thicken it?

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

maybe you should try either that brand "thicker fuller hair" normally in a green container....or burts bees shampoo and conditioner...my cousin used it and she had the same problem but after one time of using this...she said her hair was noticeably thicker!

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

nothing will permanently. Cut it and layer it I guess

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Get it trimmed regularly and it will thicken up :)

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Kelp tablets can help, but i dont know if young uns can take them, ask at herbal remedy shop.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

Believe it or not, cut out shampoo! If you shampoo too often, it removes the natural 'conditioner' and then thins the hair. Just wash his hair with water instead (unless he gets really muddy or dirty) and after three months his hair will find its natural thickness.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

pig manure makes things grow.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

just put it in a cute little style and dont worry too much about it..all kids look cute and should be able to just enjoy their childhood without a second thought to the way they look...my hair was quite thin when i was younger but my mum kept getting me regular trims and as i got older it got a lot thicker:) x

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

nothing can really thicken hair permanently so i suggest asking your hairdresser what kind of cut will increase the volume. as she gets older her hair will probably thicken out anyway

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

She's 5....my best suggestion is to not put such strict standards on such a little girl.....

Kids go through all sorts of stages...as a mom of 2 girls I know... mine are old and grown now and just know that I have yet to see a girl grow up with "no hair' ...unless they have some sort of disease...

The best thing you should do is to read my tips on NUTRITION and how it effects the hair.....

such as:

Must have a minimum of 50 grams of protein per day....

must have breakfast

breakfast is the most important meal for hair....and she must have protein at breakfast...

must have EFA's essential fatty acids every day ( handful of nuts).....

don't let her think her hair matters that much when she is 5 the playground matters....have you read to her today matters...

its just things I have learned from things I have done wrong....

that's all.

Her hair will be fine....and if at 12-13-14 she has a problem that is when I would possibly see about seeing a dermatologist...

make sure you read all my tricks to have a strong healthy head of hair.... and its up to YOU to incorporate them into her life so she learns to do them automatically.....

Like drinking lots of water...

and on and on;


Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

leave it. if she's only 5, then don't worry let it naturally sort itself out. thin hair's better than thick thick hair.

Anyone know the best product to thicken hair?

have it trimmed regularly eventually it will get thicker

I hv nery scant and thin hair with dandruff it looks almost bald plz hepl me ?

i shampoo %26amp; condition twice a week ,working woman %26amp; age 29

I hv nery scant and thin hair with dandruff it looks almost bald plz hepl me ?

This sounds like a job for the dermatologist.

A dermatologist can prescribe aomething good for the dandruff and determine whether you have a disorder that is causing you to have so little hair.

In the meantime, wacth your nutrition, and try to get enough iron in your diet.

I hv nery scant and thin hair with dandruff it looks almost bald plz hepl me ?

Try use aloe vera.. eat more fish, don't eat too much food with msg and salt

How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

I'm 13 %26amp; getting a haircut soon %26amp; I need help and to know what to tell the cutter. I have some of pics, do U think that they're too much for a 13 yr old? 1.http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e341/c...




which one do you think would suit a 13 yr old?

I also can't have my haired dyed and can't have extensions. Also i have thin hair which doesn't help at all.


How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

Can't see your pictures.

How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

i dont get it

How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

photobucket.com keeps saying that the page cannot be found, so i cant see ur picture. sry.

How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

links dont work

How can I make shoulder length black hair look scene?

You might want to try this website: http://www.ft6.us.tc/

They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!

They have a lot of colours to choose from and it's only $12.99 for 6 pieces!

I think you're right, clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-

- you don't ruin your hair with dye

- they don't grow out

- you can put them in and take them off

- they can last you forever

- they're cheap

- they look like the real thing

- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.

- You can change your look really easily

-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

if u keep using the flat iron ur hair will become thin really quick

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

flat is not curly and thin is not thick

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

Not an issue. I don't think you're really a girl and that avatar looks too - too.

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

flat hair is when you don't have a lot of hair but thin hair is when you have a lot of hair that is dull and has absolutely no nourishment and bounce.

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

think is when you have little or fine hair, and flat is where your hair has know volume and limps off your scalp.

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

thin hair is like losing it and flat hair is just flat with no curls

What's the difference between flat hair and thin hair?

flat hair is hair with no volume and thin hair is hair that isn't really heathly